Miss Lontay
Nature speaks volumes...
With more people in the world today living in cities, there is a sense of disconnection between the natural world and the consumer world, people are more restless, frantically running around like headless chickens, sucked into the hussle and bustle of day to day life, lacking true direction of their inner most needs and desires. It's really good to remind ourselves to take time out to wake up to what we really want and get back onto the right path. We are more at peace with ourselves when we are at one with nature and this is the perfect place to collect our thoughts.
There is a sense of tranquility and beauty in nature, if we have an open mind we can enjoy the tiniest flowers to a blazing sunset. It can be up lifting and inspiring. We can rediscover ourselves again.

The extraordinary Ophrey's know as the bumble bee orchid has ingeniously managed to create the same texture and scent as a female bumble bee, so those poor confused male bees end up pseudocopulating the orchid! - what an enjoyable way for an orchid to spread its pollen... This brings me onto Charles Darwin. Darwin gave an enchanting remark about the adaptations of orchids;- 'vastly transcend those which the most fertile imagination of the world's most imaginative man could dream up with unlimited time at his disposal' Darwin discovered Angraecum sesquipedale, a species from Madagascar. He had said that the nectar only filled the first few centrimeters of the 30 cm spur of this orchid. For this orchid to be pollinated it meant that there would have to be an insect with a 30 cm tongue or proboscis to reach the apex of the spur. At the time other scientists ridiculed his comment. However in 1903 a Sphinx moth with a tongue of approximately one foot long was discovered. There are so many layers of reality waiting to be discovered, and there are so many clues around us. We should not allow others to confuse our thoughts due to their own lack of knowledge and understanding.
Nature is extraordinary, and it is from this that I have been inspired to create lingerie based on my photographes of orchids. I hope to subliminally put people back in touch with themselves and the natural world by wearing beautiful lingerie of the most sensuous silks and velvets with orchids carefully placed on the fabric. We are most expressive with our partners when we are in love, and what better way to enjoy our most sensual side, by expressing ourselves in this most intimate apparel.

If you would like to see what I have done with orchids and other exotic flora from my travels, please visit: www.misslontay.com